Chlamydia in Men – Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Chlamydia in Men
Chlamydia in Men – STDTestGuru

A sickness carried from one person to another through sexual contact is referred to as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). By having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has an STD, a person can catch the disease. A sexually transmitted infection (STI) or venereal disease is another name for an STD. That isn’t to say that sex is the sole method STDs are spread. Infections can also be spread through sharing needles and breastfeeding, depending on the STD. Learn about the symptoms of chlamydia in men, as well as how it is transmitted, treated, and what problems can occur in this article.

It is possible for pregnant women to transmit STDs to their unborn children or to the fetus during pregnancy. STDs can create difficulties in babies. They can be life-threatening in some circumstances. They’re extremely prevalent, and many people with them have no symptoms. STDs can cause major health concerns if left untreated. However, being tested isn’t a big deal, and most STDs are simple to treat.

Symptoms of STD

STDs do not usually induce symptoms, and others only cause minor ones. As a result, it is possible to get infected without realizing it. You can, however, pass it on to others. Infections can also be spread through sharing needles and breastfeeding, depending on the STD. Some of the symptoms of STD are:

STD in Men:

It’s possible to get an STD without showing any signs or symptoms. Some STDs, on the other hand, have clear symptoms. Symptoms seen in men include:

  • During intercourse or urination, there is pain or discomfort.
  • On or around the penis, testicles, anus, buttocks, thighs, or mouth: sores, pimples, or rashes.
  • Strange bleeding or discharge from the penis.
  • Testicles that are painful or swollen.

STD in Women:

STDs often go unnoticed since they don’t cause any symptoms. When they happen, women’s frequent STD symptoms include:

  • During intercourse or urination, there is pain or discomfort.
  • Blisters, lumps, or rashes on or near the vaginal area, the anus, the buttocks, the thighs, or the mouth.
  • Vaginal discharge or bleeding that is unusual.
  • Itching in or near the vaginal area.
  • The symptoms of one STD may differ from another.

What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is one of the most frequent sexually transmitted infections. It’s brought on by a bacterium found in vaginal fluids and sperm. Without the use of a condom or a latex/polyurethane barrier, it can be transmitted through vaginal, oral, or anal sex. It can be passed on to newborns by pregnant women during delivery. Vaginal discharge and burning during urination are possible symptoms, however, most women do not experience these.

Antibiotics are effective in treating chlamydia. It can spread to a woman’s upper reproductive organs (ovaries and fallopian tubes) and develop the pelvic inflammatory disease if left untreated (PID). PID can cause infertility, which means that getting pregnant can be difficult or impossible.

For all sexually active women under the age of 25, as well as older women with risk factors such as new or multiple sex partners, the CDC recommends yearly chlamydia screening. Unfortunately, according to recent estimates, less than half of sexually active women under the age of 25 are screened for chlamydia, owing to a lack of knowledge among health care providers. If you are not provided a chlamydia test, you should ask your health care practitioner for one.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Many people who have chlamydia don’t show any signs or symptoms. If you do have symptoms, they may not appear for several weeks after the illness. Others may go months without experiencing any symptoms.

Symptoms of chlamydia in men:

  • Penis discharge that is white, hazy, or watery.
  • When urinating, you may experience pain or a burning sensation.
  • Swelling and/or pain in the testicles.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women:

  • Vaginal discharge has increased.
  • When urinating, you may experience pain or a burning sensation (peeing).
  • During intercourse, there is discomfort, and/or there is bleeding after sex.
  • Lower stomach aches, especially when having sex.
  • Bleeding in between periods and/or larger periods is both possible.

Chlamydia infection can also affect your anus, eyes, and throat. This can cause pain, discharge, or bleeding in the anus, as well as inflammation (redness) of the eye in both men and women (called conjunctivitis). In most cases, chlamydia in the throat causes no symptoms.

Chlamydia in Men: Causes and Symptoms
Chlamydia in Men: Causes and Symptoms

Types of Chlamydia

Oral Chlamydia

Oral Chlamydia is a type of Chlamydia that is transmitted by oral intercourse. Oral sex is quite prevalent and ubiquitous in the United States. Because a minor wound or cut in the vaginal tract increases the potential of bacteria transmission, it presents a higher risk. Nippling and oro-anal intercourse are examples of oral sex.

Eye Chlamydia

From the transmission of infection in the vaginal fluids, eye Chlamydia is transmitted through the hand to the eye. Chlamydial Conjunctivitis is another name for it. Touching your eyes without washing your hands after having vaginal or oral sex with a Chlamydia infected person is the most common cause of ocular chlamydia.

Chlamydia in Men

The majority of persons with chlamydia have no symptoms. If a person does develop symptoms, it may take many weeks for them to appear after the first infection. According to the CDC Trusted Source, a male’s chlamydia symptoms are usually caused by one of two complications: urethritis or epididymitis.


The urethra, the tube that goes through the penis, is infected with urethritis.

The following are some of the most common urethritis symptoms in men:

  • Discharge from the genital region.
  • Pain during urinating is known as dysuria.
  • In the urethra, there is a stinging or itchy sensation.
  • Discomfort at the penis’s tip.


Epididymitis is an infection of the tube that stores and transports sperm at the rear of the testicles.

A person with epididymitis will suffer pain in the testicle, which may spread to the groin, according to the Urology Care Foundation.

Other Symptoms:

The rectum can be affected by chlamydia. If a person has rectal symptoms, they may include the following:

  • Rectal discomfort
  • Discharge
  • Bleeding

Chlamydia can cause conjunctivitis or eye inflammation, but this is uncommon. Chlamydia can infect the throat as well, but most individuals will not notice any symptoms. They may have a sore throat if they do.

How is Chlamydia Transmitted?

Chlamydia is most commonly transmitted through sexual contact, but it can also happen when the infection enters another person’s body, according to the CDC Trusted Source.

Penetrative intercourse, whether vaginal or anal, is the most common mode of transmission. It can also be transmitted via oral sex or the sharing of sex toys. Even after receiving treatment for chlamydia, a person can develop the illness again.

Complications of Chlamydia in Men

People rarely develop consequences from a chlamydia infection if they receive therapy. Chlamydia in males, on the other hand, can cause or raise the risk of:

  • The inflammation of the prostate gland is known as prostatitis.
  • Scarring of the urethra is a condition in which the urethra is scarred.
  • Infertility.
  • Epididymitis is an infection of the testicle’s tube.

Chlamydia infections can potentially induce reactive arthritis, according to the American College of Rheumatology. The pain in a person’s heels, toes, fingers, lower back, or joints is a symptom of reactive arthritis.

How is Chlamydia Tested?

Your doctor may recommend that you undergo a series of tests to determine whether you have a Chlamydia infection. The most successful method is to take a sample from infected regions such as the cervix, urethra, and eye with a cotton swab. In most cases, Chlamydia infection occurs in the cervix, throat, or rectum of women, while it occurs in the urethra, throat, or rectum of men.

The sample is delivered to a laboratory for analysis. The presence of Chlamydia trachomatis can also be determined using a urine sample. The samples can also be collected at home using special home kits, which are available at select labs around the country.

Chlamydia Statistics
Chlamydia Statistics

Chlamydia Treatment

Antibiotics can successfully treat chlamydia in the great majority of patients. Azithromycin and doxycycline are common chlamydia medications. Males and females receive the same therapy for chlamydia. Antibiotics may be prescribed in a single large dose or in a series of lesser doses over the course of seven days by a doctor. A person should avoid having sex for 7 days following a single dose of antibiotics, or until the end of a 7-day course of antibiotics, to ensure that they do not transfer the infection.

Any sexual partners who have chlamydia should be informed, since they may need to be tested and treated as well. Some health services provide anonymous contact with prior sexual partners. Antibiotics should be used exactly as prescribed to avoid negative effects. It may also aid in the reduction of antibiotic resistance among the general public.


Because chlamydia is transferred mostly through sexual contact, barrier protection, such as latex condoms, is a good approach to avoid infection.

The following are some methods for preventing chlamydia transmission:

  • When having penetrative intercourse, use a condom.
  • Putting a condom on a man’s penis while having oral sex.
  • During oral intercourse, a dental dam is placed over the female genitals.
  • Either not sharing sex toys or washing and covering sex devices with barrier protection.

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